Updates on DNA, genetic health and ancestry
New! Chromosome Tests
C h r o m o s y n t h e s i s
Chromosome tests are offered as an addition (with a discount, if you have already unlocked the original version) to the main advanced ancestry tests they are derived from. They are not an ancestry test, but an individual chromosome by chromosome deep analysis. We would suggest unlocking these after you have tried the main ancestry tests.
Chromosynthesis is an excellent tool for capturing even the most distant ancestry, unlike the main advanced ancestry tests we offer, which give an overall view of your origins, Chromosynthesis delves deeper into each individual chromosome, which contain unique information and can have a diverse autosomal profile. Usually the first 10 chromosomes are the most relevant, while the last 2 are less informative. A small percentage (1% of a chromosome) equals approximately 0.045% of the entire autosome.
What does Chromosynthesis provide?
Analyzing the autosomal profile at the single chromosome level allows us to capture the most remote and ancient origins - details that otherwise would remain hidden.
Each individual chromosome is analyzed with two distinct estimates created by complementary mathematical parameters.
This allows for a more conservative estimate (displaying a low margin of error, but tending to incorporate the smallest and most remote fragments within the main composition, thereby effectively ignoring them) and a more speculative one which also takes into account the most remote and less obvious signals.
How can I interpret my Chromosynthesis results?
Chromosynthesis has the ability to pick up very small and remote fractions of your autosomal composition.
In the various breakdowns, the most likely components to appear will largely be those from the last ten thousand years (Holocene), which have contributed to the formation of the modern ethnic group (or ethnic groups if mixed) to which each of us belongs.
In estimates based on ancient datasheets (e.g. Eurasia - Foundations of the Modern World) the speculative breakdown is extremely effective. However, for the modern one, it may sometimes be necessary to rely on the more conservative estimate. This is because the signals they could refer to derive from remote populations not easily represented by modern reference samples.
Eurasia Chromosynthesis
Pangea Chromosynthesis

New! Pangea update for Homogenesis and Civilisations, 3000 BC - 1000 AD
This update focuses on southern Europe, Siberia, Beringia and south Asian populations.

New! Free updated population samples for Pangea Modern
There is a new update for the Pangea Modern test. It will optimise results for North Western Europeans, the North Balkans and Asian groups.
New! Free Eurasia Modern update
Various improvements have been made to the reference data and we have added new population samples. This will produce improved results for South Asia, East Asia, West Asia and Europe.


New! Free updated population samples for Foundations of the Modern World
We have updated Foundations of the Modern World with additional samples from Africa and also improved results for Europeans and West Asians.
New free update for the MDLP World 22 oracle!
We have added new populations and optimised the oracle.

MDLP World 22 oracle

MDLP WorldFinal16 Oracle
New free oracle
We have added a free Ancient Oracle to MDLPWorldFinal16.
New free oracle
We have added a free Ancient Oracle to Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15.

EUtest V2 K15 Oracle

New! Free updated population samples for Pangea Modern and Homogenesis and Civilisations
The Pangea “Homogenesis and Civilizations” update is especially relevant for South Western Europeans and Central and Western Asians.
The “Pangea Modern” update will optimise results for South Western and Western Europeans.
New! Free updated population samples for Eurasia!
Eurasia Modern has been improved for people with North Eastern and North Western European origins.
Foundations of the Modern World has been optimised for Southern Europeans and MENA groups.
These additions will also provide a general advance in accuracy for all groups. More updates to follow soon!


New Tolan K14M1 Oracles
New free oracles
We have added v1 and v2 oracles to Tolan K14M1.
Free oracles update
We have updated and refined the free K36 ancient oracle with additional population samples.
The Eurogenes K13 admixture calculator now has a new modern and ancient oracle.
All the v2 oracles have been reset and optimised with a 1%-min feature.

Free Oracles

Recommended Reading
Recommended reading
Although it is about Gedmatch, not yourDNAportal, this blog post is a succint guide to using admixture and oracle calculators, for the novice user.
Free oracles update
We have added some new population samples and updated the free oracle settings!

Free Oracles

New file format
New supported file format
We now support uploads of raw data files from 24Genetics.
New! Advanced Ancestry Analysis
We are launching Advanced Ancestry Analysis. There are two packages, each containing a modern and ancient test. Over time there will be free improvements and the possibility to unlock updates.
Eurasia is a global ancestry test. There is a modern analysis and an ancient test. There will be frequent updates, as new population samples become available.
Advanced Ancestry Analysis
Eurasia - Foundations of the Modern World, 500 BC-1000 AD
This test is focused on the Late Antiquity/Early Medieval period.
Advanced Ancestry Analysis
Eurasia - Modern Origins
Modern populations are like a puzzle, related to each other in different measure and forming a complete global picture when seen as a whole. With Modern Origins you will discover which pieces of the puzzle you descend from.
Pangea is a global ancestry test. There is a modern analysis and an ancient test. There will be frequent updates, as new population samples become available.
Advanced Ancestry Analysis
Pangea - Homogenesis and Civilisations, 3000 BC-1000 AD
This ancient test focuses on the period from the Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages.
Advanced Ancestry Analysis
Pangea - Modern Origins
All human groups are genetically interrelated with each other. There are no ‘English’, ‘French’, ‘Congolese’ or ‘Chinese’ genes, but there is an ADMIXTURE typical of certain populations, characterised by an inevitable degree of variability. For this reason, sometimes results may appear not to correspond with the genealogy. This arises because of the genetic similarity between part of your genome and these groups.
New Facebook Group
If you would like to discuss your genetic health and ancestry results join the new Facebook group.

New file format
New supported file format
We now support uploads of raw data files from Vitagene.
New 2-way, 4-way and 10% min oracles!
We have added a new 2-way, 4-way and 10% min oracle feature that can be accessed from all the admixture results pages via new oracle links. In addition there is a new MDLP World Final 16 oracle.

New Oracles

New Oracles
New free oracles and reference populations
We hope you are well at this difficult time. yourDNAportal has begun an exciting new project, with the aim of increasing the accuracy of your ethnicity estimates. We have added 4 new free oracles. You can find these on the Eurogenes admixture results pages for the EUtest, Jtest, K13 and K15. We plan to have frequent updates.
The recent update involves two main aspects. Firstly, we have modified the mathematical parameters, which will enable you to view your results as a 2 way oracle, a 4 way oracle and an innovative “10%” minimum feature. Secondly, we have added new population references which will provide more accurate results.
If you would like to discuss your new free oracles, please join our new Facebook group
We will be releasing a totally new ancestry test soon with ancient and modern results.
New MDLP oracles!
We have added three new oracles for MDLPK11E, MDLPWorld22, MDLPWorldFinal16.

New MDLP Oracles

New Tolan admixture calculators
New Tolan admixture calculators!
We have added 7 admixture calculators by Jérôme Hamon, aka Tolan: K7M1, K13M2, K14M1, K18M4, K25R1, K16P7 Neolithic and K20M12 Bronze Age.
New MDLP admixture calculators!
We have added 3 new admixture calculators from Vadim Verenich of the Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae Project: MDLP K11E, MDLP World22 and MDPLP WorldFinal16.

New MDLP admixture calculators

Corona virus COVID-19 genetic susceptibility report
New! We have added 6 new SNPs to the current free Covid-19 genetic susceptibility report.
You can discuss your results at our new Facebook group
New! Add your yourDNAportal Profile ID to WikiTree
WikiTree has added a function where you can add your Profile ID from yourDNAportal, it will then populate your ancestors profiles.
Go to https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:YourDNAportal for more information.

Corona virus COVID-19 genetic susceptibility report
Corona virus COVID-19 genetic susceptibility report
We have added a new free test to help you understand what role your genes may play in influencing your response to Corona virus. This test analyses 10 different SNPs.
You can discuss your results at our new Facebook group
New admixture calculator: MDLP K7
We have added a new free admixture calculator: MDLP K7 by Vadim Verenich of the Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae Project.


Longevity, Youthfulness, Skin Health and Physical Appearance
New! Unlock your longevity, youthfulness, skin health and physical appearance results
Phenotypes are genetically inherited. How well you age, mentally and physically, is determined by a combination of genetics and lifestyle. This report will be updated and added to periodically. The present version covers 107 distinct SNPs.
New feature
DNA Relatives BETA
We have launched the beta version of DNA relatives. If you choose to opt in, it may take a couple of weeks to populate your page with genetic relatives. We will give centimorgans, X chromosome matches, segment “start stop positions” and the predicted relationship range. We will add various charts and other utilities over time.
Initially we will have a “one to many” matching system. You can go to your profile to opt in and to add any information you would like to share with your DNA relative matches. You can also add your Wikitree ID to share your family tree with your matches. Wikitree are also in the process of creating a function where you will be able to add your yourDNAportal personal ID to your tree profile there, that will then populate your ancestors profiles (up to 5 generations) on your tree. This will be useful for identifying relatives descended from mutual ancestors. All of these choices are optional.
Create (your free at all levels) family tree.
To discuss your results with other members and calculator creators please go to our new Facebook group

DNA Relatives Beta
Picture © Gemma Kate Rooney - It is strictly prohibited to reproduce or use this photograph anywhere without permission.

Native American
New Native American test
New! Simple SNP comparison tool for identifying Native American alleles.
Curated by Dilawer Khan of EurasianDNA.com
Ancestry & Health
Additional SNPs in various tests
We have added new SNPs to the free traits section and for three of the health tests.
- Traits now has 50 SNPs.
- Reproductive Health, Male and Female Fertility - 55
- Mental Health and Drug Response - 123
- Genetic response to diet and exercise. Propensity to weight gain - 190.

Health Tests

New updated Neanderthal test
4 Neanderthal traits
3,805 markers analysed to give your Neanderthal score
Analysis of 1,328 Neanderthal markers associated with various health risks and diseases.
Ancestry & Health
New Neandertal test and new free traits
You can now unlock an extended Neanderthal test that covers 3,805 markers (SNPs). We have also added 7 new free traits in the health section.

New Test and Updates

New: 3D pie charts in oracle results
We have added 3D pie charts to illustrate your oracle results. Note that those are only visible on mobile phones when in landscape mode.
New - unlock your nutrition and response to exercise results
This test includes 183 reports related to genetic response to diet and exercise, propensity to weight gain.

Nutrition and Response to Exercise

Mental Health
New - unlock your mental health results
This new test includes 83 genetic reports related to mental health.
Unlock new fertility results
The new updated reproductive health, male and female fertility test includes 51 reports.

Reproductive Health

New Markers
Genetic health and Neanderthal
New markers
We have added a new trait relating to the ability to detect floral fragrances and a new Neanderthal marker.
New free calculator
We have added a new test where you can discover if you have specific alleles which would be indicative of African ancestry. Curated by Dilawer Khan of EurasianDNA.com

New: 3D pie charts in ancestry admixture results
We have added 3D pie charts to illustrate your admixture results. Note that those are only visible on mobile phones when in landscape mode.
New ancient genome oracle for K36
We have added a free oracle where you can compare yourself to 477 ancient genomes! If you go to K36 (by Davidski) you can use the oracle to reveal your results!
Ancestry and file format
New free reports and new supported file format
We have added 73 new free SNPs, related to East Asian origins in the “EDAR” report on the Ancestry page. We have also added support for Genes for Good (23andme unphased genotype file format).
New - use the Oracle to interpret your ancestry results
Oracles using nMonte3 by Ger Huijbregts are now available for a number of ancestry admixture calculators by David Wesolowski and Dilawer Khan.
New ancestry calculator MDLPK6
We have added a new free ancestry calculator: MDLPK6 by Vadim Verenich of the Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae Project.

Recommended reading: Eurogenes Blog
Focusing on ancient population genomics research. https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/
New ancestry calculator K16
We have added a new free ancestry admixture calculator: K16.
In addition to:
Eurogenes, Davidski (David Wesolowski): K36, EUtest, k13, EUtest V2 K15, K7, K8, jtest14.
Vadim Verenich of the Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae Project: MDLP K27, MDLPK 33, MDLP K6
Dilawer Khan EurasianDNA: Kurdish K10, Turkic K11, Ancient Near East 13
Other: K47


Flagging No Calls
"No calls"
We have added a function that displays any missing results: if your genome file does not contain the SNP for a marker we are analysing your result will now show a “no call”.
New report: EDAR
This mutation arose 35,000 years ago in China, in a gene called EDAR. It confers, thicker hair follicles, straight hair, shovel shaped incisor teeth, more eccrine sweat glands, greater mammary duct branching density and smaller breasts (in women). This variant is present in Native American and East Asian people. It is not present in Africans and Europeans therefore it can be used to identify Native American ancestry or track Mongolian influences in Europe and West Asia.

Recommended Reading
Recommended reading: Who we are and how we got here - Ancient DNA and the new science of the human past
A fascinating book from the geneticist David Reich, which utilises the innovation of whole genome extraction to explore our ancient past - revolutionising the understanding of our origins, which previously depended on Archaeology and Linguistics.
Sad News
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Genoa, Italy 25 January 1922 - Belluno, Italy 31 August 2018

New account management features
We have added a new account management section on the profile page.

Account Management

New calculators
Recent developments
We have added a new ethnicity calculator in the Ancestry section.
We have created a new health report: Reproductive health, male and female fertility.
The results for the health sections have been refreshed - Your traits-Your health risks- Your inherited conditions- Your drug response.
Some file format issues that were giving a few erroneous results for one of the ancestry calculators have been resolved.
We are accepting one raw data genome file per membership and email address. If you want to upload other files you can create another account with a different username and email address.
We may implement being able to upload multiple files per account at some point in the future.
We are now supporting additional file formats
We are now accepting uploads of raw data files from LivingDNA, YourHeritageDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, in addition to 23andme, Ancestry and FTDNA. You can upload your raw genetic data files from these providers on the “upload your genome data page”. There are instructions on how to obtain your raw data from your test provider. If you have had a DNA test with a provider not on this list you can email us about it and we will investigate if we can develop support for it in the future.

New file formats

Data Protection
Data protection
We have successfully implemented the new data protection regulations for GDPR on the website. We have put launching our forum on hold while we make it GDPR compliant.
Our website pilot is now up and running
I created this project in order to have a place where all aspects of genetic genealogy and health can be explored. We are in the process of developing multiple tools to expand the limits of what we can all learn from our DNA. Please get in touch with any requests and we will try to implement them on our site.